Autumn and early winter brings the trailers or small trucks full of firewood out on our New Zealand roads. People are busy reading local papers for that small classified saying "Firewood For Sale", of even better "Firewood for sale, free delivery"!
Once that cord of firewood is delivered, often it is dumped in the driveway waiting for the home owner to work out where it will be stacked. Some people have a garage where the firewood can be stacked, others have no choice but to stack it along side the house, the fence or the driveway and hopefully sheltered from the weather.

HUNA Covers and Sheds is currently designing a stylist, aluminium firewood shed or firewood rack, that will blend into your surroundings and offer the same design choices as the currently available Hideawayz products. Colours will include grey, brown and black.
A HUNA Firewood Shed or storage rack will provide space for around 5 meters of firewood. The design will provide good air flow and circulation on all sides so moisture can escape to ensure the wood will dry and be well-seasoned. The Firewood Shed will also keep the wood off the ground thus keeping the damp from being soaked up by the wood as well as enhance the overall airflow around the wood.
Firewood can be stacked 2-rows deep and provide easy access when collecting the wood for the inside fire. With the price of firewood around the country ever increasing, keeping your firewood secure is also something to consider.
Keep an eye on our website for confirmation the design is finalised, pricing is available and orders can be placed. HUNA Firewood Sheds will provide a stylist way to store your firewood.
Firewood Know How - Did you know?
Always stack your firewood loosely enough so that air can blow through it can draw the moisture out the cut ends
Firewood pieces will shrink and shift as they dry so it is important the firewood stack is secure
Smaller pieces of split wood dry faster, always split your wood into the right size and length for your woodburner first-time to speed up drying
The best place to dry freshly-cut firewood is outside
Softwoods like Pine, Fir and Macrocarpa would have an expected dry time of 6–12 months
Hardwoods like Gum and Manuka can take more than 18+ months to dry
To burn efficiency, firewood needs to have less than 25% moisture content, most wood has a 30-50% moisture content when cut
A cord (equivalent to 3.6 cubic metres) is not a legal measure, but some suppliers still use the term.
Firewood is generally sold as a “thrown measure” unless specifically stated otherwise. This means that the quantity of wood is measured as if it was thrown into a container, and not as if it was stacked. Stacking it will reduce the volume by about 1/3 (3 cubic metres of thrown wood is roughly equivalent to 2 cubic metres stacked).
And finally, wet firewood produces more smoke than dry wood, which releases more pollutants and small particles into the air. Burning wet firewood in a fireplace can also cause creosote buildup in your chimney, which may create a fire hazard. Of course less heat is also generated if the wood is not dry.